LVCRFT Unleashes Their Bone-Tingling Theme For ’31 Nights Of Halloween’: Listen To ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons’
written by Jason Brow, music & sports editor
It’s time to move your dead bones! LVCRFT has teamed up with Freeform to put a sinister spin on a Halloween classic, and we have the EXCLUSIVE premiere.
Feel that chill in the air? Do you smell the scent of pumpkin spice wafting out of your local coffee shop? Do the shadows seem a little longer than usual? That can only mean one thing: Halloween season is underway! And with black cats, screeching bats, and witches’ hats comes LVCRFT. The group of horror-obsessed, Grammy Award-winning hitmakers have come back to life, crawling out of their coffins and back into your hearts. One year after tricking your treat with This Is Halloween Vol. 1, the group is set to unleash The Sequel, and HollywoodLife has the first cut from this album, a cover “Spooky Scary Skeletons.”
Thanks to their deep appreciation of all things creepy and gory, LVCRFT has managed to invoke the spirit of Andrew Gold’s original 1996 song while also weaving some of their trademark orange-and-black magic into the mix. The song, as Rolling Stone noted, got some love via TikTok thanks to a remixed version, but LVCRFT’s rendition is – to put it in a way horror fans would understand – more Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and less the 2003 remake. It’s the perfect song to play when you’re carving pumpkins, hanging cobwebs, or just when you feel like howling at the moon. “Andrew Gold’s ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons’ is one of the most iconic Halloween songs and we jumped at the chance to put our LVCRFT spin on this classic,” LVCRFT’s Lil Punkin tells HollywoodLife. “We were honored to be asked to breathe new life into it!”

This re-animated version has also gotten the Freeform seal of approval. The network – who just announced the schedule to its beloved 31 Nights of Halloween – have selected LVCRFT’s “Spooky Scary Skeletons” as this year’s theme. “We are possessed by Freeform’s 31 Nights of Halloween,” LVCRFT’s Norman Crates tells HollywoodLife, “and collaborating with them has been a nightmare come true!”

With a real-life global pandemic that rivals The Crazies, 28 Days Later, and Train To Busan – combined – staying indoors (or, at least, six feet away) is the sensible thing to do. However, LVCRFT isn’t going to let socially distancing ruin their favorite holiday. “We refuse to let the quarantine kill Halloween,” member DeepKutz tells us, “so we made another album of infectious bops and tunes that go bump bump bump in the night.”

That album is The Sequel, 15 new tracks to terrorize your playlist. This time around, LVCRFT goes trick-or-treating with some new friends: Uffie (as Uffie The Vampire Slayer), Bonnie McKee (as Evil McQueen), ZZ Ward (as ZZycho Ward), Morgan McMichaels (as Morgan McMyKill Myers), Sarah Hudson (as Olivia Demon Spawn), and Har Mar Superstar (as Scar Mar Superscare). The Sequel also boasts appearances by some major Halloween heavyweights: John “The Cryptkeeper” Kassir and Ash Williams himself, Bruce Campbell.
Halloween can never be canceled, not while LVCRFT lives. The Sequel arrives on Oct. 1.