
The only fitness challenge our own HyperZombie® couldn’t win was on that fateful night back in 1991 after leading one of her grueling step aerobics classes in Hollywood, CA.  As HyperZombie® left the gym she stepped into a mob of blood thirsty aerobicizing fitness zombies looking for some fresh brains.  Noticing the easy access shaved scalp beside her mohawk they pounced.  She ran as fast as she could, kicked as high as she could and grapevined as fast as she could grapevine but there were just too many zombies.  Under the backlights of that neon LA night, HyperZombie® fitness was born and she’s still hyper-dedicated to push you, ’til your very last breath.

Now you can work out with HyperZombie® by watching our “Exercise The Demons” Zombie Workout video.